The Doors of Madiera

For as long as I have remembered, I have wanted a colorful door. I remember when we replaced the door at my house I begged my mom to make it purple, or yellow, or even a bluish-gray to which she replied that would be against the neighborhood zoning. And I believe her, where I live, there are no colorful doors.

So I centered my efforts elsewhere. I began to explore online photography projects that focused on capturing everyday life, particularly colorful doors. It was then that I stumbled upon Madeira, Portugal. On this island, everyone covers there door in not only color, but beautiful art.

These doors add character to a home. Whether they are abstract, detailed, or simply a solid color, they make me want to know more about what happens behind them. They add a sense of community and creativity.

I think that this is particularly akin to what we are learning in class because they are often an abstract representation of the owner’s or the home’s personality. For example, in Madeira, there is one door that has a picture of a mermaid on a swing on it. Obviously, this is not a realistic representation of what is going on inside, but it captures a sense of mysticism and nautical spirit that I am sure the homeowner has.

I find inspiration in these doors because they show us how something so simple, something we see everyday, can be made into something beautiful, inspiring, and engaging.

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